Sunday, 22 March 2015

Browse and display image in MATLAB

First of all, excuse us for not posting any tutorial and videos on our you tube channel for such a long time.
Recently one of our subscriber posted a question regarding browsing opening files in hard drive of PC using MATLAB. So, our tea have developed a short video tutorial on browsing and displaying image using MATLAB GUI. You can check out our video on this link


But,in this post, we will be discussing the basic function which can be used for browsing files and extracting the name and path of the selected file. That means on proper execution of this function, user will get name of the selected file and location of the file in your hard drive.
These two parameters are more than enough to display or open file in MATLAB, in this post we will consider the example of opening image file,similar to video tutorial.

[FileName PathName]= uigetfile({'*. name of extension of file( example for image -.jpg,.png)'});

Name of extensions could be varied from .png to .xls or for all files only *.*
This function will only give output as name of file and location of the file which could be further used to open and display any file inn MATLAB environment. There is one special case with which all files will be displayed for browsing and selecting, sown below

[FileName PathName]= uigetfile({'*.*'});

Now , a basic example to browse, extract filename and path and reading the image file and also displaying the image in MATLAB environment.

[F P]=uigetfile({'*.jpg;*.png;*.tiff;*.bmp'}); // Here only 4 image file types are considered

image=imread([P F]);                        // Here filename i.e F and pathname i.e P are used to read image

imshow(image);                                // Display image

This simple code could be Incorporated in GUI to develop the GUI for browsing and displaying the image. For further understanding visit our youtube channel MATuino R for GUI development tutorial.


Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Arduino INDIA call for interns !

Arduino INDIA calls for interns, there are two openings and interns are supposed to work on arduino based projects. There will be NO stipend ,lunch is on the house , but I guess the experience any young MAKER or electronics hobbyist or an engineer or an artist will gain while working in Arduino is priceless.

These are few details for interested candidates:

- There are two openings for internship.

- The interns are expected to work on Arduino based projects. The exact projects will be defined and discussed before commencement.

- The duration of the internship will be for a minimum period of one month.The internship will start on August 4 2014.

- There will not be financial remuneration for the internship. Lunch is on the house.

- The interns will be given a certification on successful completion.

- The location is Coles Road, Frazer Town, Bangalore.

- The deadline for applications is 30th July, 2014.

For further details visit:

Friday, 25 July 2014

MATLAB GUI for image type conversion-Part2

This video is second part of the MATLAB GUI for image type conversion , this video explains the programming the GUI and a working demo of grayscale conversion and binarisation of RGB image

Thursday, 24 July 2014

MATLAB GUI designing using GUIDE for image type conversion.

MATLAB GUI designing for image type conversion, e.g conversion of RGB image into grayscale image or RGB to binary image . Both these conversions are very basic processes for initiating with any image processing algorithm and also very essential process. We have created a video tutorial to explain the GUI development in MATLAB using the image type conversion process.The video tutorial is divided into two part first part will explain the designing and characterisation of the GUI and the second part of the video will elaborate on including the required code in the GUI. The first video tutorial is given below watch and learn.   

                                                    MATLAB GUI designing using GUIDE

Monday, 14 July 2014

MATLAB GUI Arduino LED blinking

In previous post , we have published a detailed Arduino UNO serial communication with MATLAB, in this post we are taking it little further.
We have incorporated the serial communication code with MATLAB GUIDE(Graphical User-Interface Development Environment) and created an interactive GUI with different color scheme. To view the result watch this video:

To view latest updates about vaarious projects join our group on Linkedin:

Or Like our facebook community page:

Thursday, 10 July 2014

MATLAB & ARDUINO serial communication

I have being asked by many people about interfacing Arduino UNO with MATLAB without using any supporting inbuilt functions. So , for answering all those queries I am posting this article by explaining MATLAB & Arduino UNO serial communication .
This post will cover the topic of controlling arduino pin13 LED by send serial command from MATLAB to arduino UNO.

The Arduino code required for establishing the serial communication and reading serial data is.

const int ledpin=13;
int recValue;

void setup()
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

void loop()

    if  (recValue == 100)            // If use will send value 100 from MATLAB                                           then LED will turn ON
       digitalWrite(ledpin, HIGH);
        if(recValue == 101)          // If use will send value 101 from MATLAB                                            then LED will turn OFF
         digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);

Upload the above program on Arduino UNO and then open MATLAB environment for establishing serial communication with UNO.
The MATLAB code required for establishing communivcation and sending required command for toggling LED is:

s=serial('COM','BAUD', 9600); % Make sure the baud rate and COM port is 
                              % same as in Arduino IDE

for m=1:10                    % The program will execute 10 times , 
                              %you can change the vaalue of m to increase or decrease
                              %the number of executions

servalue= input('Enter the value 100 to turn ON LED & 101 to turn OFF LED :');

fprintf(s,servalue);          %This command will send entered value to Arduino 

After opening the MATLAB execute this program, initially a LED on PIN13 on Arduino UNO will blink that denoted handshaking or serial communication establishment between UNO and MATLAB . Then MATLAB will ask user to enter desired value, make sure to enter 100 to turn ON and 101 to turn OFF LED.

Note: Make sure the baud rate and COM port entered in MATLAB code is similar to the one in Arduino IDE

For any further query commen on this post or post your question on

Google+ account name MATuino R

Facebook community page arduinomatlabrobotics

Monday, 7 July 2014

New member in ARDUINO family: USB Host Shield

USB shield is one of my favourite among all shields, the reason is this shield enhances the capability of arduino board and make it possible to control arduino boards with almost all USB devices. There are already few available USB host shields from Sparkfun's , Circuit@home and many more cmpanies. But,this one is officially created by arduino team made with love Italy :-). This shield open a whole new domain of controlling the arduino because most of the gaming controllers are USB based. That means all your XBOX, PS and NINTENDO gaming controller can be used to control any of your home appliance or control any robot and can be used to create new cool projects. The fun doesn't just end here it also supports bluetooth dongle which means you can make wireless projects easily and without any compatibility issues.

The following device classes are supported by the shield:
  • HID devices: keyboards, mice, joysticks, etc.
  • Game controllers: Sony PS3Nintendo Wii, Xbox360.
  • USB to serial converters: FTDI, PL-2303, ACM, as well as certain cell phones and GPS receivers.
  • ADK-capable Android phones and tables.
  • Digital camerasCanon EOS, Powershot, Nikon DSLRs and P&S, as well as generic PTP.
  • Mass storage devices: USB sticks, memory card readers, external hard drives, etc.
  • Bluetooth dongles.

This shield is really a opportunity for MAKERS to play with it and share some really cool projects with the world. I am really hoping to get one of the shields and planning to make PS remote controlled robot. I hope you people will also enjoy playing with this .
For further details about this visit

Saturday, 5 July 2014


The last post(1st Jul 2014) which elaborates about the digitalWrite function , which is utlised for togglin the LED connected to PIN 13 of arduino uno using MATLAB environment. In this post,we have resolved the problem of typing the function( digitalWrite) in COMMAND WINDOW over and over again to toggle the LED. By compiling a small LED blinking program written in MATLAB script, this program will blink the LED for 60 seconds. After all prerequisite program installed in Arduino IDE and MATLAB ,you can directly run this program and blink the LED through MATLAB programming. To make it more fun you can use other toolbox of MATLAB like image processing or signal processing to trigger the LED or any actuator.

To get better understanding, watch a video named MATLAB & ARDUINO : LED Blinking on our youtube  channel  MATuino R.

The MATLAB programming for LED blinking:

a=arduino('COM3');              % Establish serial communication via COM3 port
pinMode(a,13,'output');         % Assigning pin 13 of arduino as output pin.

while toc/60 < 1                % toc/60 means the while loop will keep
                                 executting  till 60 seconds.
digitalWrite(a,13,1);           % write a boolean 1 on pin 13 of arduino

pause(1);                        %Pause the execution for number of seconds                                                                mentioned in bracket.
digitalWrite(a,13,0);           % write a boolean 0 on pin 13 of arduino


Make sure for above program select the correct COM port as in our case it is COM# , it may be something else in your case.
Thank you for any further query comment on this post. 

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

MATLAB & ARDUINO interfacing - digitalWrite(LED)

This post is a follow up of the 28th June post i.e MATLAB & ARDUINO interfacing - Part#1, which was about downloading required MATLAB support file for arduino IDE. This post will elaborate about uploading desired program on UNO and preparing MATLAB environment before establishing communication between arduino uno and MATLAB  and also a  demonstration of simple digitalWrite function by toggling the LED.
The steps involved for completing the communication between MATLAB and Arduino uno are:

1. Open Arduino IDE and open the "pde" named file in examples , then select a file named "adioes" and upload this program on arduino uno. It will take few seconds and blinking of  LED on UNO borad will confirm the uploading.

2. Then open the MATLAB environment , make sure that the current folder selected will be the MATLAB  support folder for arduino named "ARDUINO IO" and then create a serial connection of MATLAB with arduino uno using command

>> a= arduino( COM X);              here X is the number assigned to the port of your PC or laptop.

3. After successful connection with arduino , assign a pin 13 as a output pin using "pinMode" command and after that, write a Boolean 1 or 0 to pin 13 for toggling the LED connected using "digitalWrite"

The final demo looks like the image below:
LED toggling using MATLAB

The final commands for digitalWrite are as under , type each command at a time in COMMAND WINDOW of MATLAB enviornment.

a=arduino('COM3');            % Establish serial communication via COM3 port
pinMode(a,13,'output');       % Assigning pin 13 of arduino as output pin.
digitalWrite(a,13,1);         % write a boolean 1 on pin 13 of arduino (LED ON)
digitalWrite(a,13,0);         % write a boolean 0 on pin 13 of arduino (LED OFF)
For further detailed and step by step description of the above post visit youtbe and visit our channel
"MATunio R"
And do watch video related to this post

MATLAB&ARDUINO interfacing - digitalWrite(LED)

For any query post a comment on this post or mail us at 

Monday, 30 June 2014

Arduino ZERO - Arduino and atmel collaboration

This new board launched by arduino named Arduino ZERO, is a  outcome of collaboration between two amazing companies Atmel and Arduino.
I wonder why arduino has named it Arduino ZERO , but it sound really cool, and i believe its functionalities are also really amazing. This board aims at developing some trending wearable devices and some really good automation projects. As mentioned by the man himself, Massimo Banzi ,this board will be a new experience for all MAKERS and students who are passionate about electronics.

Massimo BanziArduino CO-founder and CEO said:

"It aims to provide creative individuals with the potential to realize truly innovative ideas especially for smart IoT devices, wearable technology, high-tech automation, crazy robotics, and projects not yet imagined".

For more detailed description of Arduino ZERO, click on the link below.

Browse and display image in MATLAB

First of all, excuse us for not posting any tutorial and videos on our you tube channel for such a long time. Recently one of our subscrib...